Track new repos in an organization?

Hello! I am working on pulling reports for Camunda Community Hub · GitHub.

One thing that has proven to be challenging is determining when a new project (repo) is either added to the organization or transferred in. As far as I can tell, this is not data that GitHub provides in their API, so that might be why Cauldron also does not have it. Is this something I can track with Cauldron?

Hi @xomiamoore !

Cauldron creates a list of repositories when a report is created. If the list was generated from a GitHub organization, that list of repositories is “frozen in time”. Updating the report, only updates data from those repositories.

:white_check_mark: You can update the list of repositories from a GitHub organization by going to the report, (1) Settings, (2) Actions, and then clicking on (3) re-run all actions.

Does this solve what you wanted to do or did I misunderstand your question?