Index patterns stored

Every time I use Cauldron I get a little bit overwhelmed with all the different index patterns stored on Kibana (git, github2, github, github_enriched, git_enriched, etc). There are like 11 different index patterns, each of them with +10 different fields.

Screenshot_2021-01-07 Discover - Elastic

Is there any way that Cauldron could reduce these indexes to a smaller number by just providing the relevant ones such as git, github, github events, gitlab, gitlab events and meetup enriched data?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Interesting. Usually we get requests for adding more stuff :wink:

At some point we need to consider all the indexes being produced. Some of them could be considered as legacy, and could probably be removed.

Thank you for your request. As you comment, many of the index patterns are duplicated.

We made the decision to change the name of the index patterns to make them simpler. For new user accounts, only some index patterns are created. The problem is that for old accounts we cannot delete the index patterns directly because if someone has created a new visualizations based on one of them we will break it.

You can go to Data workspace that opens Kibana, and then in the top left menu open Stack management > Saved Objects and filter by index patterns. If you didn’t create a new visualization based on any old index pattern, you can safely remove them:

If you have any problem let us know